Thursday, May 27, 2010

Untitled #548

Change can be good. I enjoy my new location. It is a very well run store. The Store Manger is a very intelligent business man. I respect that. He is a hard-ass. But if you do your job, you don't get burned. I went up to Owen Sound for the long weekend. Hung out with my brother. Did illegal shit. (don't you wish you knew) Met with someone I had been talking too for a while but had never met. Broke my wrist in hockey last night. Third time in a year and a half I have broken it. But still have never missed a day of work due to that bone breaking. I even kept playing last night after I injured it. Mike is quite embarassed because I won all six games. Including the three I played with my injured jerk off hand. \i have been staring at this screen with a blank brain for too long. This is just mainly a aste of time for me these days which is why my frequency and length have dropped off. Plus I think a lot more people read this then I want to be. But in the end, I try not to care about those things.

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