Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Untitled #549

My boredom has brought me here. Let's see how productive it becomes. My vacation was pretty good. The first two days back were pretty brutal. Getting back into the flow of work, and my department being in chaos. I didn't mind recovering it from being a disaster. I like to know that my job, and position are both well deserved. My absence was noticeable. My strong employees were very glad to have me back. The slackers weren't. I got a big hug from Francis. She is my most experienced employee. She has worked there fifteen years. It took her a week to stop hating me just because I was new and young. But once she realized that I was not only efficient at what I do, but profficient, she loved me. She never wants to work shifts with anyone else. Neither do I frankly. She is great at the job. I always tell her she should manage. But she sais she couldn't handle the pressure. I spent a lot of my vacation in the great white north in my travels. I spent most of the week camping. I just love the outdoors. Man made structures get so boring. If I lived in a year round warm climate, I would live in a tent. Nature is where I don't need the luxuries I have grown used too. (it took me a few seconds to figure out how to spell "luxuries." At least I made the effort too.) I love my brother I love spending time with him. I like his cocky attitude, because I understand that he has a good heart. That seems to be a Spencer trait. A little fucked up. We lie about stupid shit just to make a conversation more entertaining. But all good intentions. I spent time with Kate while I was up there. I like her. She is reactionary, insecure, opinionated, and intelligent. That mixture of colours is a pretty rainbow of a personality that she carries well. But all this may be one sided. I don't know if she likes me. I couldn't tell, but I think my personality may be a bit much for her. But at the same time, I don't want to blatantly ask her what she thinks of me. Seems like an odd conversation to have. Though I generally like odd conversations. I don't know if she does. But I will just take this route instead. Write about it in my blog in which I know she reads :p Haha. No. I'll probably be straight forward and on put her on the spot. To me it seems to be the most effective way to communicate. Beating around the bush seems like a lot of waste of life. Especially since it eventually becomes habit.

My friends are all going to gang-bang each other some day. Seems to be the path they are taking.

I went to my first Pride Parade this year. Every other year I had been working which was a constant disappointment. But I was thoroughly impressed. It made me overjoyed to see so many people accepting of the LGBT minority. I have never seen a gathering that is there just to show love and understanding to there fellow man. No matter where they like to stick their dick or tongue. Good. Maybe our upcoming generations will be better then we are. More understanding. Hopefully we will be better parents then ours were to make that happen. Anyways. While writing this I was making spring frittatta and meditteranian style chicken with moroccan couscous. It is now I think, just about done. So I should go and make sure it presents well. My Grandma wants to show off her Grandson to her new friends. So she asked me to cook something fancy. But something that old geezers with particular taste buds would like. So here is hoping they aren't fried chicken and brown gravy food racists. Have a good one folks!

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