Saturday, January 03, 2009

Untitled #489

New Year's was fantastic. Pretty low key. Spent it with good friends only. Except for Jon. He bailed and didn't even call. We also recorded another rap song. haha. It is the thing we do when we are drunk now. This one I think is better than our other shit. And I wrote probably the most vile section to exist in rap in our new song. I will let you all know when it is put up. Seb is being slow getting to the plate in sending the song. I did something I said I would never do last week. I went on a date with my co-worker at the Wine rack. Well a half assed date. I took her to dinner. We were going to go to a movie but we got to smashed at my place. She is a girl I trained at the Wine Rack. I hated her when she started there. But she really grew on me over the last year and a half. I have kind of felt like I should take her under my wing. She seems like a kid in so many ways. Loses her cell phone about four times a year. Needs to go to money mart to pay her rent. I try and give her money and cigarettes when she needs it.

She is adorable and someone should take care of her. But she tends to date douches from what she tells me. And she thinks they are king shits of the shit pile. I even gave her the most practical house warming gift to her last year. A carton of cigarettes. I knew after first and last she would be pretty broke. And got her the most important thing you need. Even more than food. And of course to a smoker it is cancer sticks. Haha. I am sooooo empathetic towards smokers. If someone could figure out how to channel that towards animals, I would be a vegetarian. My heart goes out to smokers more then anyone else.
Anyways, this post has lost all purpose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trevor, this is the most heartwarming post of your entire blogging career.