Sunday, January 04, 2009

Untitled #490

Dear Humanity. Stop being so goddamn self important. A genetic improbability has given you something called consciousness, which makes you think you are the shit, when in reality it is as significant as a baboon having a blue ass. The earth is not as much of a fucking prude as you are... do you really think it gives a shit if you litter? Do you really think it cares about its atmospheric composition? Do you really think you are any better than anything that has crawled or shit on this earth? Environmentalism is the ultimate disease of consciousness... of human self-importance. GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF. Just because you know you are here doesn't make you any more important than anything else that has stained this infinite palette. If you really think your electron microscopic ass is too much for this planet to handle, kindly kill yourself. Mother Earth would be pleased.

End misanthropic rant. Fuck you.

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