Friday, April 09, 2010

Untitled #541

Here we go again. I don't really like putting shit on the internet as much as I once did. I almost deleted this blog a couple times. But decided I would probably regret it. And this thing has a better memory of my last few years then I do. There had been a lot of drama the last little while. But I stopped giving a fuck because more important shit came up then "some girl." I am going through something that I haven't told a living soul other then my cat. And I don't think that can change. I am getting to be a much more private person then I was. I used to be much more of an open book then I am now. I wonder what changed? Sometimes I will tell more to a stranger then a friend. There is this person that I don't know very well on Facebook. But I like her Facebook personality as far as I can tell and so I would like to think I would like her just as much in real life. I told her some shit that I didn't tell my closest friends. I guess it is because ongoing drama doesn't become an ongoing conversation when you tell someone you don't know very well. I often just like to talk about it. Get it out of my system. Then not address it anymore. I think I just used far too many periods. But I don't like to go all cockle doody with commas either.

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