Friday, March 05, 2010

If you were able to wrap your head around the circumstances that fell in my lap these past few weeks, what would you do? I ask myself that question constantly. Almost all the answers that come to me are based on anger. But fuck. You would be angry too. Somehow, some nut-bag knows where I live. Somehow, I got rolled by his pals. But that was my fault. I was an idiot and went outside and left myself vulnerable. But it won't happen again. The pendulum will swing back the other way soon and there will be reactions to the actions. Keep some balance in this universe. I still miss you Button. I still care about you. I don't know why. Because part of me also hates you. That is the self-preservation drive in me talking. But the secular humanist in me loves people that I love no matter what sometimes. That kind of loyalty can be detrimental to my well-being though. As if all this shit isn't enough to deal with. My department has essentially doubled. My head hurts just thinking about it. I constantly debate getting the fuck out of Longo's. Sometimes I am absolutely convinced that is what I need to do. Magenta hands, and enigmatic smiles. Fuck I hate refrains.

loveless vessels

we vow
solo love

we see
love solve loss

else we see
love sow woe

selves we woo
we lose

losses we levee
we owe

we sell
loose vows

so we love
less well

so low
so level

wolves evolve

English is a gorgeous language to fuck around with. I have read a lot of terrible english from thugs this week in the format of Facebook messages. I don't respect people who have poor English skills. Never have. "You" is not just a letter. Neither is "are." When laziness translates so far into someones life that it even affects language skills, to me it sais a lot about a personality. Fuck. You don't know how much I miss you Button..

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