Monday, January 05, 2009

Untitled #491

So I am stoned minding my own business last night around 7:30. About a half an hour until the game goes on and I am watching Jeopardy. During the commercials, this mini infomercial came on. It was trying to sell this chair that basically connects to a track on the side of the steps of your stairs. They were marketting it to seniors. Telling them falls are the number one cause of senior injuries etc. This device would save them money. You see this old geezer piping up with "It's cheaper than moving!". I think to myself, "Well yeah. Moving is expensive." They go through the whole thing without telling you the price. Just all these wrinkly old people that if you ironed them out would be ninety feet tall. They were all telling me how surprisingly affordable it is. I waited with baited breath for the price and never got it. So I was curious how much a gyp this is. (I apologize to any gypsies who read my blog that I may have offended)They ended it with a 1-800 I could call for all the information I need. So I pick up ol' faithful. (my phone) Dial the number. Not surprisingly, the lines wreen't jammed and I got through right away. Well, some woman picks up greets me and tries to sell me. I tell her to hold on. I am not interested in buying thing. I am just stoned, and your infomercial made me curious about the price. Now here we are. Well it took me too long to find out the price. It seems I got the phone hired born again Christian. Figures if I get high. I probably need saving. Boy that story was anti-climactic. I don't even know why I told it.

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