Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Untitled #444 (222 away from 666)

So after work yesterday I was talked into going to the hospital and I went. I had really wrenched my wrist on Sunday putting the chicken away at work. Monday is the day at the Wine Rack every week that we get our load. So I moved about 170 cases twice that day. After that I started to really feel pain. Yesterday at work, even scrubbing a dish hurt and putting the boxes of chicken on the cart. So afterwards I went down to Credit Valley to get it checked. Turns out I have a hair line fracture in my Triquetral. Now hair lines they don't cast. Thank goodness. I didn't want to be put out of work. I am supposed to wear a tensor bandage at all times. But I can't wear shit like that at Longo's. Working with food you can't have anything soft on your hands that can be a place for bacteria to be. So I wore it last night because the doctor put it on. But I doubt I will have it on again. So wish me luck. I hope I don't permanently fuck my wrist or anything. But at the same time I would not let a little something in my wrist make me sit at home and do fuck all. I broke my streak of having not been to the doctor since I was sixteen.

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