Thursday, September 18, 2008

Untitled #436

Haha. I had such a fun night with co-workers last night. It was very nostalgic of my carefree days as a teenager. After work, me, Bobby, Jason, and Donna went with all the cars in a Tom Hortons parking lot. I got them all stoned on hash. None of these people I don't think had smoked good hash before. Jesus Where they high as hell. And they only did like two half hits of a bot. They couldn't suck back the whole bottle. Haha. They were sooooo giggly. I had a great time though. Donna got stoned and listened to her music in her car without her car being on. So she ran her battery dead. Haha. Jason bought a brand new pack of smokes and lost them. A lot of stoner shit happened. Then some guy in his little tuned up civic came with some girl for a few minutes. Haha. It was very much like my teenage days in Owen Sound. Exxcept these people are a lot less sketchy. Now onto something a little more heavy. I got this in a Facebook message from my sister today.

Hey Trevor,

I dont know if you have heard that there was a car accident two of our friends were killed...and Sarah Michel/Bosmans three month old baby died too...Sarah is still in the hospital with her injuries but she will be fine.

But at least we have the comfort of knowing that they are saved, and are in heaven.
I have been thinking and praying a lot for you this week, it scares me because I do not have that same certainty that if it were you...
I love you soooo much, I am only saying this because I love you so much Trevor!!
I pray that you would get your life right with the Lord, before its too late, we have no idea when our time is, and I want for you to be with me in heaven, I don't want to think of you suffering for all eternity in hell,I hate to say that but its the sad truth and it kills me inside to think of it that way..

Do you remember when you were younger, you were the sweetest brother and now it seems you are so far away I wish you would stop running from God and come back to us!
You used to be so encouraging in the Lord and I just dont' know how it all changed so quickly.
I know you probably know this off by heart cus your so smart, but it has to be more than head knowledge it has to be heart knowledge!!
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is DEATH, but the gift of God is eternal LIFE, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Please don't hate me for this but I love you too much and I needed to say what was on my heart.

I love you Brother!!
Luv ur Lil Sis ♥

I feel sad for her when I read shit like this. Because she is always going to be hoping for me to go back to God. All she is going to get is disappointment. I replied back to her. But I replied with some personal shit from our childhood so I decided to not put it up here. Basically the gist of it is that she shouldn't hold out for me. I would have to suffer some insane injury and be pretty brain damaged to be stupid enough to subscribe to a religion ever again. Especially one that is used for control. On many levels. Social control. Control in the family. Even government control. And Christians are the worst for making you feel guilty about not making the exact same life choices they do. Am I supposed to feel so guilty because my sister is hurting thinking I am going to hell that I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour? I will summarize all this. I love my family. But all of this is so fucked up that I don't even know where to begin.

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