Friday, September 12, 2008

Untitled #434

Hockey pool time! I just got the sheet from my work. I have been immersed in checking stats on players. Injuries. Even trying to find out if they are moving or going through a divorce or anything. All those things can affect a hockey player and their performance. And If I win this. I can win over $6,000. Someone sent me this picture a while ago. this is from when I worked at good ol' Christian Horizons and my hair was five colours. Though a very faded five colours here. So fucking nostalgic. Look! I was metal before I even listened to metal music! Those are the devil horns I am holding high and proud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will dispute 3 facts from the last sentence of this post.

It could be a local accent to the hand gesture in question, but your interpretation, in fact, seems to be the exact reversal of the one you imply. A big difference in the range of static hand gestures.

Regarding how High it is held: If we use the shoulder joint as the point of reference. Sure you could have held it lower. But, the palm of the hand is maybe at the zero point. Only 1-2 knuckles of your index finger have a positive height index, at all. This is, of course, assuming by height you do not mean height in altitude.

I admit for this last one I am relying on data external to the photo. Evidence I have gathered of your emotional range. Despite the exposed tongue, you seem quite casual in this photo.

Similar to how indifference is the point off the scale of hate/love,
casualness is like the point off the scale of shame/pride.

so many 3s
and now I am thinking of the point off the scale between those 2 hand gestures...2d representation... guy to the right in red, gazing out of scope... lo .
