Saturday, June 06, 2009

I had a pretty fucked up dream experience last night. But also kind of hilarious in hindsight. I was having a nightmare which I very very rarely do. And I was dreaming that I was pinned down on my stomach on my bed and couldn't move as much as I tried. And I think I thought I was going to be killed. Then I wake up from the dream and I still feel pressure on my back like someone is holding me down. So I freak out and push up with all my might. All I hear is this weird scream and a thud. I go and quickly switch on my light. It was my cat! I guess she had climbed up on my bed and fell asleep on my back. So when I jumped up quickly, I threw her off the bed and she of course was the scream I heard. Haha. Scared the piss right out of me. But it is a pretty funny story to tell.

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