Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Was it ever beautiful this weekend. Took full advantage of it as well. Was in this gay little doggy park with Jimmy and Bridgette for a while on Friday. Saturday I played hockey with the boys which we have been doing almost weekly lately. But other then work and watching the playoffs, I haven't been doing much. Happy belated 4:20 cock suckers! Yesterday was our bonus meeting at work. So there was an hour and a half of dead time from when I was finished work and this bonus meeting. So I went with a friend in produce and got high as shit before the meeting. It made it less long and bearable. Happy 10th anniversary columbine shooters as well. You did something memorable enough that we still talk about it ten years later on its anniversary. Dropping the atom bomb doesn't even get that kind of respect anymore. I have no clue on the dates of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki tragedies. All I know is it was somewhere around half past death.

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