Thursday, February 12, 2009

Untitled #511

I quit my third job. It was too much. I didn't even have energy to blog much then. I am still terrible at recognizing my limitations. I am always pushing my body to the limits. Whether it is through work, drugs, caffeine, etc.

The further the past goes away, the less I miss it. I think it is because I forget a lot of it. Haha.

Less than 24 hours from now I will have a tattoo. Fucked that it took me until I was 25.

My thoughts are incredibly disjointed today, hence all the incorrect paragraphing.

This warm meltdown makes me happy. Means in March when spring comes it won't take as long to melt a winter's worth of snow.

I am back to playing hockey two nights a week. Look at this fucking smile on my face.

I am considering marriage as a financially smart move. But nothing more.

What is wrong with America's children? I have been fascinated by school shootings and just the brutal crimes in the States committed by fucking kids. Beware of being a parent and be a good one. There are consequences for everything. Beat on your kid, they might come slash your throat in your sleep or just beat other random kids to death. Please be careful with our children. They aren't precious, but they are deadly.

You are fucking beautiful.

Fuck Facebook causes.

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