Thursday, January 29, 2009

Untitled #506

I dreamt a lot last night. I was just debating someones ideals and I remembered at least one. I kind of even vaguely remember dreaming. Which rarely happens. Especially moreso now that I am working late at night at my third job. I just pass out instantly into R.E.M. sleep. I had this weird dream that I was with Jon and Jaime at Jon's old place in Owen Sound. The one on 10th St. E. Only it wasn't Jon's place anymore. In my dream he still lived in Toronto. But his old place had been turned into a restaurant run by Jim Carrey and Ed Norton. I don't remember all the details of the dream I remember the schtick of the restaurant was that they served your food with hilarious predictions for the future of the economy. They had flow charts resembling genitalia, and Jim set the kitchen on fire a couple times and put it out with butane. Very strange dream. What was strange about the dream is that my personal feelings in it weren't amusement. I think I was just in awe at how rediculous my surroundings are. Must mean I am fairly level headed. I seemed sane enough in my dream to realize the absurdity of where I was. I don't remember much beyond that. But now I have it recorded so I won't forget.

I also had another dream where I was debating a religious person I know. And all you non-religious people know how frusterating that is. They insert God into every aspect of life and have lost all grasp of common sense. I was trying to argue with her about why we are here and our purpose. I was going on about the general arrogance of one simple human being (most religious people are quite simple) thinking they have the knowlege of how we came to be here and why and what our purpose is. I was trying to explain why it makes sense to have faith in science. Science is something that is constantly progressing and learning no matter what direction it takes you. Whereas Christianity refuses to progress and learn. Especially if knowlege contradicts God or the bible. It perpetuates a cycle of ignorance. I think I was also mentioning how even if you do think you know our purpose or why we are here, why you have to upholster it into every aspect of your sife. I look to science to explain the unknow.

You look to God. But the difference between you and me is, is you have some sort of deity who you think has the right to interfere with your free will and gives you the right to impose judgement on others. I don't sit around everyday talking about how science is my all. I asked it into my heart and now I have a ticket to eternity. When something good or bad happens I don't thank science or nature or the planets or random chance for blessing me with the experiences I have had. I don't let science tell me who to fuck, when to fuck, why to fuck. Fuck. You would think Christians would come up with something better then God telling you it is wrong to stick your dick in a vagina until a certain paper is signed in front of a Justice of the Peace. If there was an all powerful being. He wouldn't have made up a bunch of shit that was very human. Even in the old testament when God wrote about marriage, all it meant was that you had sex with them. So Jacob took Rachel into his tent.

They got up the next day and were married. Which is why Solomon probably had 700 wives. He probably was just a ladies man and fucked a lot of women. I doubt they all lived in his palace and he supported and fed them all. And being married to more then one woman isn't even condemned in the bible unless you are a pastor or a deacon. I think at this point in the conversation the religious woman was getting angry with me. As the religious do when you challenge their faith. What they believe is generally so weak that they are defensive about it. It is generally like talking to a stone wall. I think my friend Jon once told me about the corrollation between Atheists and Religious folk. They did IQ tests on both and there was a large difference in average IQ. Of course the religious being a lot stupider. Which makes sense. I don't remember the last religious person to contribute something useful to society. At least scientists (who are over 90% Atheist) are out there trying to cure cancer. Trying to modify shit to grow in the desert.

Making alternate fuel sources. Trying to learn how to inhabit other planets if this one gets full. Then you have the religious doing nothing useful except annoying the smarter half of the planet with abstract concepts like trying to save your soul. Haha. I don't think I have had as vivid of a dream about a conversation as that one. I wish there wasn't so much wasted on religion. Don't picket for bills that want to put more censorship in media. Worry about the fucking starving kids out there. The child soldiers in the middle east. The child prostitutes in Africa. Start standing up for the les fortunate. Who gives a shit if your kid saw titties on prime time TV. Your kid will have seen thousands of murders on television before he is sixteen. And violence has a lot more negative effect on a human being. I think the conversation essentially ended with me informing her she needed to get her head out of the sand and start worrying about shit that actually matters and not my soul. Which nobody even knows exists. Stand up for your fellow human beings rights. Don't muddy that with worrying about heaven or hell or the afterlife. You are wasting mine, and humanities time.

I woke up satisfied. Conversations like that in real life don't often satisfy me. They depress me that adults are clinging onto fairy tales that are thousands of years old and are just ripped off from other religions that are thousands of years older then the bible. All this information is there for Christians to learn. They just don't do it. They use the justification of the imoral secular world and the devil trying to lead them astray through it. the most childish thing I have heard. Well. I am going to sign off now. I just basically wanted to record these down because I will forget later.

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