Saturday, January 17, 2009

Untitled #500

Well. This is my five hundredth blog post. So I should probably do something special. (It is actually technically my five hundred and first because I screwed up somewhere along the way.) But who is counting. So I thought I would do something classy for this epic moment to hammer into history the monumental amount of time I have wasted typing for all you lame fucks who actually read blogs. Seriously. You are lamer then me writing in one. So I heard a joke. I thought it would be appropriate for this moment. So gather your children in front of the fireplace and read aloud the following. Enjoy.

This man took a hooker into a motel room
They exchanged money and began to have sex
When the man was having sex his penis hurt...He felt like something was clawing at him.
He stopped having sex and said, "Ouch, it's really rough in there..."
The hooker excused herself to the bathroom and a few moments later came back
They continued to have sex and it was soft and felt so good....
The man said, "Ooooh baby, that feels so good....hmmm what did you do to make your pussy feel so smooth?"
and she said

"picked the scabs off"

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