Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Untitled #493

So I had a succesful first night in the ball hockey league. It is four on four. Two lines so you get enough rest. But I am glad there isn't more lines because then I never feel like I am playing enough. Same as normal hockey. Three twenty minute periods. Of course we played on blades which I much much prefer over running around. A lot more angles and moves to work with. On your feet the game is a lot more sluggish and doesn't have the flow to it that hockey should have. There is contact too which I was happy about. We destroyed our opponents 11-4. We should have won 11-0. But our goalie sucks so far. I got four goals, three assists, and was a +6 on the evening. One of them was a SHG. I didn't think I would have that good of a night my first night. This ball hockey league gives out awards at the end of the year and shit. My goal is to get the scoring title. If they had an award for best defensive forward I would be after that too. It is so invigorating to get into organized sport again. I am going to start working out in the gym I have in the condo building. I want some weight to throw around. Don't get me wrong, considering what I have, I can toss it around. But I want more to toss around.

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