Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Untitled #485

Whoa. Getting close to 500 blog posts. I don't think I have done anything five hundred times. Well. I enjoy masturbation. And eating. And smoking hash. I may have done those things five hundred times. Oh. And listened to Death Metal and drank snobbish beer. Anyways, I am prattling. I was told by an ex the other day that she didn't think we were compatible. I never replied to that really. Because my answer would have been "no shit". It would probably come across as rude and insulting. But the reality of it is, is that even on a biological level, your differences is what makes you strong. Did you know you are naturally attracted to someone who has a different immune system then you? That way when you procreate it has an even stronger bodily defense then the parents. Having the strengths of both of them. Iy makes a species grow stronger and more immune to a variety of things. Compatibility is something we think we need in life. Whereas, I am not compatible with many people, but I get along with many people. There are those who think it is the strangest thing that Jimmy and I are best friends. Which from an outsiders perspective, you can see why. We are not compatible at all. Yet it is the strongest relationship I have ever had out of all of them. Not only has it been the best. But my relationship at times has gone through more struggles then any of the others I have had, and all that happened was we got closer. Sometimes I wonder if people are looking for the wrong things in life. Maybe that is why so many people are unhappy. You really notice it around Christmas time. Sadness becomes more prominent in peoples eyes this time of year. Especially if they are lonely. All I know is that I am happy, and fuck Christmas. Whenever I decide to date again, I will do the same thing I have always done. Find a beautiful woman who is incompatible with me. Generally quieter, nicer, and more restrained. If I am going to date myself, I mine as well just jerk off. Which is great. But like the relationship would, it gets boring.

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