Saturday, November 15, 2008

Untitled #465

There is this girl. I have only come across her a couple times in my life through mutual friends. We can't stand each other. She is one of those overly defensive, overly sensitive head cases that is offended by absolutely everything someone like me says or does. So she was at the bar with mutual friends. And she throws stupid immature barbs at me all the time and I often get annoyed and throw things back at her. While the rest of the time I am trying to ignore her stupid hippy point of views. So I pulled out my cigarettes set them on the table and sat down on the patio where she was and our mutual friends. First thing She does is comment. "You smoke More's?" They are a really long thick cigarette. These happened to be whiskey flavoured. I said "Well if you count buying three packs in my life and enjoying smoking them, then yes, yes I do." I knew it would probably turn into an insult somehow. She hates me that much. She sais, "Ugh. I hate More's. My Dad used to smoke those." This is where the bomb drops. Right after she said that, I retorted with, "Fuck. I never thought I would here a girls repressed feelings about her Father through a comment about my cigarettes." Her and all the people at the table who knew her well went dead silent. Haha. I had hit some nail on the head. I was told later by one of our mutual friends that she was abused by her Father. They wouldn't elaborate. I don't know if he just yelled at her a lot or stuck it unwillingly into her ass. I guess I am not interested enough to know. But man. All my life I seem to say the right things at the right time. Or the wrong thing at the wrong time. Depending on your point of view. But sometimes my intuition scares me. That is my bar story of the week. Wish you were there.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I wish I was there too. I've been getting drunk and making lewd comments, and everyone just thinks I'm weird, haha.