Friday, August 08, 2008

Untitled #414

So I had quite the walk to work yesterday. I walk through your typical rich sections of Mississauga. Very Suburbanite Anyways. I am walking listening to Dominion. Oh yes. And Dominion. God damn are they fucking good. They sweep tap pinch harmonics with surgical precision and have such insanely technical and creative riffing that just thinking about it is giving me a wet daydream. Anyways, that isn't where I was going with this/ I was walking along and then I realized there was a huge penis and balls spray painted on one of these rich fuckers driveways in the ugliest colour of green I have ever seen. And it was huge? So I was laughing to myself and continued to walk, when I see the exact same thing on the next driveway. I look down the road and there is about ten or fifteen of them in a row. So I start dying laughing. I am laughing so hard that I am down on one knee trying to catch my breath. We need more heroes like that guy with the green spray paint in this world.

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