Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Good morning folks. Been a while. It is 2008. I keep writing '07 on shit and forgetting at work still. It is a struggle I have every January. But other then that it has been a decent start to a year. I think I have myself prepped for my next trip around the sun. I had a good weekend this past weekend. i went up to Owen Sound for three days to see Jaime. I got a ride up with my friend Tom and his Mother on Thursday. Wonderful woman. Easy to talk to and very intelligent. When she was in her earluy twenties she dropped out of college. But this past year she went to University and got a degree. She is in her fourties. I was impressed. I think most people at that age will just deal with their education level. It was good to see Jaime. I think it had almost been a month since I had seen her when I did. She has her horses at home now. I like petting huge beasts. Friday we went into Owen Sound and went to see Tunga. It was qa good time. There were a lot of people packed into Tunga's.

It was only a couple days away from Tunga's birthday so I decided to get him drunk. Martin came over as well. I always enjoy seeing him. It doesn't happen often enough. But out of all the people I would think that I would see periodically in my life for many years. I had never thought Martin would be one of them. But it has and I am glad. I also saw Michelle and Jeremy and Maia and Kenny. A bunch of kids I didn't know. But they apperently knew me. I think I am reknowned in Owen Sound. I am glad I am away from there now. I went on an expensive booze run because I was picking up for quite a few people. I got ID'ed in Owen Sound. I hadn't been ID'ed in a long time before then. Fuck even when I went to pick up cigarettes for the kids they ID'ed me. I saw Jaime's Aunt Char again. I hadn't seen her since thanksgiving. She is a crazy women in a good way. Talks really fast and seems to abound with energy. I like her. Jaime's Mom and her sisters where going to play bingo and that is when we got a ride in. Jaime's Dad brought me coffee Saturday morning when he was in Chatsworth looking after the Car Wash.

I didn't even ask for it or mention coffee. So I think he likes me. I wouldn't bring coffee to some douche that was dating my daughter if I didn't like him. I enjoy her family though. I am comfortable around them. Saturday night we went to the movies and saw Untraceable. It is a piece of shit and I don't reccomend anyone going and seeing it. And the only nudity in it is gay porn on a dark dank basement wall. But if that is what squeezes your sponge, go for it. There were some sweet killings. Like a guy sitting in water while sulpheric acid slowly mixes with it. Heat lamps turning on one at a time while the guy was sitting with his legs and hands trapped in dried cement. He got roasted alive. Not to spoil the ending. But the FBI won the war against the internet. I broke my "water virginity". I had sex in water. I also got to play some Nintendo 64. It had been a long time since I had played. But I still kicked ass at 007. I love that game. But Jaime owned me with Super Smash Bros.

But I always sucked ass at that game. I have had a couple stressful days at work since I have gotten back. My District Sales Manager was in both days. Usually in the past she has been nice to me. But God. Fifteen minutes with her this time made me feel like I absolutely sucked at this job and was not dedicated to the company. Bullshit. I work far more days for the Wine Rack then even corporate do. But I have grown smart over the years. I didn't back talk or get angry or anything. Just nod and act contrite. Don't give them anything to actually shit on you for. Though I won't lie, I was seething on the inside. But now she won't be back for a while and I can sigh a breath of relief. I think I should have reversed "sigh" and "breath" there. But I like it how it is. I have been thinking about shaving my facial hair off. I want to be able to have a smooth face and some days to have stubble and shit. I haven't felt stubble in a while and I miss it. Anyways, I think I am going to wrap up for the day. Listen to some Wintersun and play online poker until work. I hope you are all doing just peachy. Have a lovely day. Miss you darling. Cheers!

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